Safe Waste Disposal Tips for Businesses
Your Safety is Our Priority!
Safety is the top priority at Penn Waste. Our team, from drivers to recycling center staff, is committed to safe waste disposal practices.
As they are out in the community each and every day, we ensure all of our employees are trained in the latest safety practices and provided the most up-to-date equipment.
Below are some tips for commercial customers to help ensure safe waste disposal and efficient material collection.
Safety Tips
Safety Tip #1: Maintain Clear Access to Trash Receptacles
Penn Waste drivers need clear and safe access to your containers at all times. Maintenance and snow removal teams often pile snow in front of dumpsters and corral doors during winter, creating unsafe conditions for our drivers.
Piles of snow make it impossible to open corral doors or get close enough to empty the containers. Delivery trucks and employee cars also frequently block access. If Penn Waste cannot reach a team member for assistance, we will not be able to collect your containers for the week.
Safety Tip #2: Don’t Overload Containers
Overloaded containers pose hazards to both your team and ours. Trash protruding from the top or sides can scatter, causing injuries or accidents. Loose, heavy objects can become dangerous projectiles when containers are emptied, potentially crashing through our driver's windshield.
Debris such as broken glass, nails, and other waste scattered on your property puts everyone at risk. Additionally, Penn Waste cannot clean up litter caused by overloaded dumpsters. If this is a recurring issue, please consider arranging additional service.
Safety Tip #3: Break Down Large & Bulky Items
Large, bulky items can get stuck inside your dumpster and remain there, even after the container is emptied. The driver may not always notice, which reduces your container’s capacity.
Make sure your employees break down bulky items as much as possible to prevent this.
Safety Tip #4: Watch the Weight
Penn Waste can only pick up dumpsters within a specific weight limit. Avoid filling your dumpster with heavy materials like dirt, rocks, bricks, asphalt, steel, or shingles. These items are not accepted at the incinerator.
If we find these materials in your dumpster, we must refuse pickup to ensure the safety of our employees and equipment.
Safety Tip #5: Don’t Lock Us Out
If your container is in a secured area, please unlock any gates the night before your scheduled pickup.
Alternatively, you can provide us with a key to your gate, so you don't have to leave it unlocked for several hours.
Safety Tip #6: Missed Pickups
If you believe we missed a scheduled pickup, please call us within 24 hours of your scheduled service day.
If the missed pickup was due to something within our control, we will make it up within 24 hours.
Safety Tip #7: Repair Asphalt Damage Immediately
Penn Waste is not responsible for damage to asphalt or other road or parking lot surfaces. The paved area must be able to support the weight of our trucks.
Paved surfaces not designed to carry such weight can easily be damaged. If damage occurs, repair it immediately to prevent further issues.
Safety Tip #8: Set Up Corrals Properly
Some municipalities require businesses to follow specific sanitation or health guidelines, including using corrals around dumpsters.
Contact us to ensure your corral’s opening is wide enough for trucks and that the doors are secure, helping you meet local requirements.
Safety Tip #9: Prevent Hazardous Waste Fires
Do not place any hazardous waste in the container without notifying us.
Small amounts of hazardous or flammable materials can cause fires, which have destroyed many trucks.
Penn Waste cannot dispose of medical waste either.
Safety Tip #10: Break Down & Bag Wood Products
Loose wood can create hazardous conditions for our trucks and drivers.
When disposing of wood, break it down and properly bag it to ensure safe collection.